Login Access Level
Employee Working Time Management
Expense Management
Customer Management
Table Information. Server name, Time, Guest number, Amount
Split Bill Options-Touch & Drag
Food Modifier Option
Move & Merge Table
Print Menu Items to Kitchen, Bar or Etc.
Delivery Control
Customize Menu Buttons
Caller ID Display
TraVancouver POS Solution Mode
Multi Language Support (Korean & Chinese)
Discount Level
Logo Print
Auto Back Up System
In House Gift Card System
Integrated Card Processing System (Chase Paymentech)
Report by Category, Items, Day, Month, Hourly, Employees and more
All Data can be exported to Excel
Vancouver POS Solution POS systems are designed for any sized Restaurants who are interested in saving time and money, improving business processes and increasing customer satisfaction.
Access Level
Employee, Manager, Owner access level
Move Table
Don’t get confused, when your customers move to the other tables
Merge Table
In case, your customer want to join with other tables
In Case, You want to give customers special care or attention
Taste(Food Modifier)
we know, every customer have their own taste. With Vancouver POS Solution, You can create hundreds of different taste options
Customize tables, menus and categories
Caller ID Display
You don’t need to put all the customers’ information When you get a call, program automatically displays caller id, customers phone number, name, address and sales history.
Cash In- Cash Out
You can easily do Cash in and out.
Time in- Time Out
You can manage and calculate employees working times.
You can create multiple discount levels. General, Take out only, Employee and Happy hour discount.
Export to Excel File
Any data can be exported to excel file. Sales data, Employee time data, expense data. That means you can do your accounting easier.
Be prepared and ready for your valuable customers.
Three Bill Options
It is hard to guess, what kind of bill each customer want, So our Three Bill options can cover any situations you face.
One Bill, Separate Bills, Separate Bill in one long bill
by Category, Items, Hours, Month, Date, Employee,To increase your sales, it is necessary that you analyze customers trends like what they want and when do they need that, and who should help them.
So our six report options can help you to make right decisions and plans.
Split Bill
You can easily make separate bills.
We know that you don’t want to waste your time and your customer time
Especially, in paying situation, we have quick way of making split bills.
Take out
In the beginning of sales, You don’t need to ask “For here or To go?” You can easily change wheather its takeout or dinein.
Expense Report
Costco, BC Hydro, BC Trading you spend so much money at so much different place for your food.
Now, you can easily manage your expense report.
Schedule Order Print
Now, you can set the date and time for later order print
Print menu items in order
Put menu items into pos system randomly, Print out menu items in order. In our pos, you can set and give priority
Random items can be printed out orderly.
Gift Card
Make pass-by customer Regular customer and Steady customer with Vancouver POS Solution Gift card.
Integrated card processing Partnership with Versapay(Chase Paymentech) makes card processing time less than seconds.
Make card processing easier and faster.
take and place orders right at the table.
Multilanguage Support
We are in multicultural, we support multiple language.
All Rights Reserved. © 2019 Vancouver POS Design By : DCS TECHNOLOGIES INC.